Table 1C: Gene families corresponding to Arabidopsis (AT) paralogous gene families with 3 members.

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Case status (as of Aug 2010) 
Case # in Table 2 
Triplet ID 
AT-1 in paralogous family 
AT-2 in paralogous family 
AT-3 in paralogous family 
AT gene, SEED ID 
AT triplets, TAIR ID 
AT triplets, SEED annotation 
AT triplets, subsystem in SEED 
Prok homologs total 
Best prok homolog - E 
Best prok homolog - SEED ID 
Best prok homolog - org 
Best prok homolog - SEED annotation 
Best prok homolog - subsystem in SEED 
# of genes in cluster 
Best prok homolog - clustering 
Best coupled hom - E 
Best coupled hom - SEED ID 
Best coupled hom - org 
Best coupled hom - SEED annot 
# of genes in cluster 
Best coupled hom - clustering 
Yeast homolog - E 
Yeast homolog - ID 
Yeast homolog - func 
Cyano homolog - E value 
Cyano homolog - SEED ID 
Cyano homolog - org 
Cyano homolog - SEED annot 
EC homolog - E 
EC homolog -SEED ID 
EC homolog -SEED annot 
# of genes in cluster 
EC homolog -clustering 
In SSs duplicates 
In cluster with 
In cluster with non-hyp 
In cluster with hypoth 
In Exper SS? 
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